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Project Examples

​Unmanned Air Vehicles-Flight Controls-Market Opportunity Analysis

Project Scope: A supplier of electro optical and motion control stabilization solutions needed an independent update of potential new opportunities in unmanned platforms in US and international defense markets including UK, Germany, France, and Israel.


The objective was to expand business in this area as unmanned ptforms increasingly required new EO and motion control solutions for better flight controls.

Military mission emphasis on high altitude endurance, more sophisticated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, new enemy threats, and other factors were important market drivers. Key questions included: Most attractive platforms? Addressable market size and growth? Major customer (OEM, related vendors) targets? Key competitors and advantages-disadvantages?

Execution: This custom project involved an independent analysis and original update of all potential opportunities and relevant content, segmented by primary and secondary flight controls. 

This analyzed latest budget data, and most-recent published information data to produce a customized list of highest- potential targets, both new build and upgrades. 

Direct input from key contacts at various U.S. military program offices and MODs was also assembled to clarify and better understand requirements, unmet needs, and changing requirements. In addition relevant OEMS and other vendors of importance were identified. This included AF, Army, Navy, and Joint Forces program personnel involved with Procurement, RDT&E, and Operations/Maintenance. 


The final presentation included a detailed landscape analysis, competitive assessment, list of 56 key programs to pursue, critical points of contact and other personnel, and specific capture recommendations for company pursuit team.

Result: This company was now able to rapidly implement a targeted sales plan in a short time following final report presentation, well ahead of its original plan using internal staff.

With this level of detail, particularly specific pursuits identified and detailed in the assignment, the company also revised its sales goals upward leading to a successful new business development effort in this unmanned aviation area.   

Government Technical Support Services-New Growth Roadmap

Project Scope: a leading provider of systems engineering, systems integration, technical, and professional services, was seeking to better organize and align its diverse, fragmented, and overlapping business units  to changing defense, homeland security, and related government agency program opportunities.


Client business units traditionally operated in niche, localized areas, staying abreast of known recompetes and logical opportunities for migration, but lacking cross-SBU leverage.


Client primary goal was to strengthen program participation, identify and pursue strategic positions where it could provide multiple business unit content, and step up to a higher-level solution provider.

Execution: STS researchers, experienced with a wide range of defense and government contractor capabilities and services, as well as latest DOD (P-1, O-1, R-1), DHS, and other agency budgets and breakdowns, was able to accurately develop an original, bottoms-up program level-custom analysis and rationale that identified, calculated, and described the major growth-opportunity areas for its client. STS coordinated its efforts through top client management, and directly with individual business units as appropriate. This also included logical adjacent and migratory growth areas within other government domains. Calculations included both addressable as well as available market potential. 

Result: STS Client, originally struggling with: business unit overlaps, fragmented program positions, limited program participation, acquisition digestion and stovepiped divisions, was now able to develop and implement a streamlined business unit plan wrapped around market demand, reduce conflict, setting goals more rationale to market demand.

Military Platforms-Upgrade, Retrofits-Opportunity Assessment

Project Scope: A supplier of fuel management, landing gear controls, proximity sensors and health and usage management solutions (HUMS) for transport, fighter, rotary aircraft, UAVs, ships and  ground vehicles needed to identify emerging opportunities for upgrades and retrofits in key legacy platforms.


US DOD was placing increasing emphasis on Sustainment initiatives. This company was concerned it was missing key program opportunities, and required an independent check on potential gaps in its internal pursuit list. 

Execution: The first step in this custom project involved developing a list of key DOD upgrades, SLEPS, other procurements. This yielded a short list of 75 high-potential  candidates where funding appeared secure (already allocated or expected).


Key decision makers were then identified at Air Logistic Centers, Army and Navy Maintenance Depots, and Prime Contractor organizations involved with these programs. Examples included Hill Air Force Base, Naval Air Systems commands, OCALC Tinker, and major systems integrators like Lockheed Martin.


Direct research was conducted to better understand potential opportunities, incumbent suppliers, possibility of considering an alternate source, requirements, unmet needs and current problems, timing, selection process, interest in meeting, and suggestions on other programs and people to engage.

Result: This identified multiple qualified opportunities which were entirely new to client sales team. The final report also made specific recommendations this company should take to secure incremental business. This helped to greatly accelerate the company's capture rate resulting in 25 new qualified high-potential opportunities, ultimately leading to a substantial revenue increase versus original sales plan.

Portable Power Solutions-US Military Devices and Platforms Target Opportunity Assessment

Project Scope: A supplier of custom power packs and accessories had achieved some success with US OEMs building hand-held soldier communication devices and wanted to leverage these credentials to other high-growth military applications.


This was a competitive market and current military acquisition policy preferred standard “off the shelf” solutions for cost savings, battlefield logistics. Fuel cells and other options were also starting to gain attention.


However, US military emphasis on irregular warfare, stability, and special operations demanded improved mobile power for many tactical missions so there appeared to be windows of opportunity.

Execution: This custom project involved initial sorting through a large number of potential segments to identify where this company's solutions could provide high value. These included: missiles and targets, portable land sensors, ruggedized mobile computers, UAVs, vehicle subsystems, and eight other key segments.


Specific programs were identified and a customized list of all potential opportunities assembled across Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Joint Forces for both new build and upgrades.

Key contacts at OEM and defense program offices were engaged to gain insight and guidance on greatest emerging areas of potential, reasons for interest, problems and unmet needs, specific opportunities, competition, new technologies, and suggested marketing and sales tactics.

ResultThis enabled the company to now make critical decisions on both product focus and sales pursuits for the next several years. Key company executives agreed this three-month project greatly accelerated their revenue generation in a highly competitive market.


They also realigned their direct and indirect sales effort, updated listings of key customer prospects which senior managers should visit, modified internal telemarketing emphasis, changed their advertising plan and trade show schedule, and redirected internal R&D efforts.

European Market Opportunity Assessment-Military Communications Solutions

Project Scope: A US supplier of communication, navigation systems and support services for Navy, Army, and Air Force platforms needed a full refresh of program opportunities in key European countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland) and NATO. Key interest was on competitive activity, and emerging opportunities (both protected and competitive).


These were challenging markets given recent growth of indigenous suppliers plus MOD budget uncertainty, but there still appeared to be a significant number of addressable (open and competitive) opportunities. The goal was to develop a custom, independent and up-to-date assessment of high-potential opportunities and recommend specific capture strategies for the company's Air, Ground, and Maritime HF, V/UHF, Satcom, Datalinks, and System Integration solutions.

Execution: A baseline of the current company European situation was developed via in-person meetings with company personnel in overseas’ subsidiary offices. Other project researchers simultaneously and independently analyzed MOD budgets, requirements, and announced programs, identifying those funded and protected or competitive (open to a US bidder).


Direct interviews were conducted with key program planners and other parties at major MODs, defense contractors, and NATO offices to gain critical insights on relevant opportunities.


In addition, detailed assessments were completed on eight major competitors covering European acquisition alliance activities, product offerings, strengths, weaknesses, perceived strategies, and implications for this company going forward.

ResultThe final presentation included extensive spreadsheet detail on addressable program opportunities, relevant trends, market size, competitive landscape and market share, and overall conclusions.
This included 15 specific recommendations to restage and redirect the company's European sales effort.


The company rapidly regained focus with a clear set of priority initiatives which led to a resurgence of positive business results.

Counterinsurgency-Irregular Warfare Market Opportunity Assessment-Growth Roadmap and Shaping Strategy

Project Scope: A top US defense contractor required an independent assessment of US DOD changing requirements in counterinsurgency, irregular warfare operations. The goal was to map out future BD and investment initiatives. The US military was evolving to address a broader range of tactics  beyond traditional heavy combat. These included Stability, Security, Training, and Reconstruction Operations.


Key questions: where US DOD was now? Where it was going? Likely evolution of requirements (products and services) over the next five years?  This would help guide informed decisions for the company's technology, services portfolio, M&A strategy across multiple business units.

Execution: This assignment involved detailed analysis of latest defense budgets, extracting programs and content clearly counterinsurgency and irregular warfare related, calculating addressable vs. non-addressable, then projecting spending five years out. It calculated addressable, budgeted programs and open contract opportunities plus recommended steps to be successful, acknowledging individual services were competing for bigger roles in counterinsurgency, with uncertainty of funding.  


Direct interviews were conducted with relevant program offices and commands across Army, AF, Navy, Marines, Special Ops, and Defense Wide to gain detailed insight on changing requirements. Key planners and  experts in TRADOC, Air Combat Commands, Research and Technology, Joint and Futures Office, Command Control and Communications (Tactical), Army Force Management Office, Joint and Futures Office and other commands provided valuable insights.             

A final segmentation breakout of opportunities included: Adaptive Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Information Operations, Training (US and Host Nation), C-3, Logistics, Strike, and Counter-IED-CBRNE-Counter Mine.

Each segment had easily searchable detailed spreadsheets showing budgeted line items, contract numbers, incumbents, future placeholder initiatives with descriptions, future spending estimates, relevant program offices and POCS, plus all source data.

Result: This company now had an original, independent and well-reasoned strategic growth roadmap describing the overall size of this opportunity, specific segments relevant to its interests, lists of current program line items and future initiatives likely to be funded, separate recommendations on technology and service initiatives to pursue, and specific contacts for follow up.


The company used sections of this report in its own presentations to key DOD program offices and policy centers of gravity to successfully shape key customer requirements and programmatic directions relevant to its capabilities.


This independent report helped greatly accelerate the company's internal  understanding and strategic approach to this market, paving the way to new growth in multiple areas that otherwise would not have been realized.

Tactical Soldier Communications-New Growth Assessment

Project Scope: A defense contractor seeking stronger positions in military tactical communications required an independent assessment and recommendation on its future business strategy in this market.


War fighter requirements now demanded higher-data rates, enhanced  battlefield situational awareness, common operational picture. Commercial devices were a key threat to this defense company's solutions. The key challenge however was to define opportunity directions across the various layers of transport, services, and applications which would provide optimum long-term sustainable profit, leveraging the company's core technologies and preference for large-scale systems integration solutions.

ResultThis provided the company with a series of actionable strategic directions that were incremental to what it had developed internally. These helped the company to design a well-planned strategy at a critical time to ensure it had differentiated advantages over competitive alternatives that also leveraged its internal strengths


Due to this custom research and analysis, the company was able to accelerate its original internal schedule and set in place important actions that provided critical sales and revenue momentum, yielding successful results for many years to come.

Execution: This assignment reviewed all existing programs of record as a baseline. It then assembled up to date, direct input from key program and planning contacts to accurately understand their changing view of the tactical com landscape and future requirements.


Questions included: most urgent problems with regard to tactical com, future changes and requirements, unmet needs, key challenges, and most important transport, service, and application needs.


With this combination of input, four business model options with revenue projections were developed. These included: Soldier phones for garrison and battlefield military missions, Aerial relay layer for BLOS (beyond line of sight) tactical comm which leveraged the company's UAV capability and satellite, Full motion video to the warfighter, and Secure tactical network information assurance protection from cyber threats. 


The final report included a recommendation on the attractiveness each, specific details on actions to be successful including alliances and partnerships, approaches in presenting its ideas to various centers of gravity at DOD, trade events to gain visibility attention, and suggestions for selling against the competition.

Ground Vehicle Communication System Upgrade Contract Price to Win, Competitive Analysis, Capture Strategy 

Project Scope: A leading systems integrator was among seven bidders for a multiyear, ground vehicle communications upgrade. Although highly qualified in systems integration, this company was not well known to contracting organization. The opportunity was also risky as it was Firm Fix Price vs. Cost Plus.


This project assignment started 60 days prior to expected final RFP issuance. The goal was to complete an independent competitive bidder analysis and bottoms up price to win calculation.

Execution: This custom assignment was structured in two parts: Phase I (Pre-RFP) and Phase II (Post RFP). It involved a baseline analysis of  expected

production and Development requirements across major and minor labor and product CLINS. This included calculation of competitive WRAP rates across five job categories based on expected place of performance and calculation of system (product buildup) costs for each bidder. This recognized advantages each bidder might reasonably leverage on higher value items from other company units, known technology partners, and negotiated lower prices from key suppliers or team members.


It relied on resident market knowledge, updated input from industry contacts, other relevant suppliers, and reviews of eight similar competitions. It analyzed Industry Day reviews, relevant presentations, and preliminary TRD’s and SOOS.


From these foundations, highly flexible electronic spreadsheets were developed which allowed for rapid “what if?” development and production item assumptions as additional data became available including “heard on the street” input.


Several reviews and exchanges of information were held with client proposal team during this assignment which helped insure constructive alignment, redirection, and interactive analysis.

ResultThis accurately calculated a successful price to win and gave important direction to the company with regard to key capabilities and experience to emphasize. This directly helped this company win this pivotal competition in a contract area where it lacked prior credentials, thus enabling it to leverage this success to future opportunities with this customer. 


The “heard on the street” input, detailed market analysis, and competitive strategic insight proved to be more valuable than more superficial “automated calculator approach” offered by other specialty consultants.


As a result,  the company strengthened its internal capture team approach in preparing a more persuasive and competitive proposal which directly aligned with selection committee expectations.

Independent Research Update-Future Global Defense Program Opportunities-Major Countries

Project Scope: A global defense and aerospace company providing design, development, production, through-life support of major platforms required an independent update of its internal global opportunity database. Goal was to insure organizational strategy and business planning was based on independent, unbiased data.  


Information on global opportunities traditionally came from several sources, more recently internal assumptions were made in absence of reliable data, driving  the decision for an independent, outside analysis. 


The company was seeking to expand its growth overseas, and needed a reliable assessment of which specific countries and programs represented greatest opportunities for new revenue to offset other areas of decline.  

ResultAs a result of this independent analysis and assessment, this company now had greater visibility into key programs and an accurate assessment of addressable market size and potential, trends and opportunities. They were now able to make reasoned decisions on key priorities for pursuit with greater accuracy. At a tactical level, this independent analysis also gave field personnel incremental background information, in many cases critical to successful wins. 

Execution: STS designed a custom spreadsheet displaying key data on potentially addressable programs for over 50 major countries. Line by line, program data was assembled by showing Country, Region, Contracting Organization, Program Name, Description, Type (Procurement or RDT&E), Open vs. Closed (to outside country bidders),  Current OEM, Forecast Period, Est. Units-Dollars, % Addressable, PGO (Probability Program Funded, Moving Ahead), Data sources, and STS Attractiveness Scoring evaluation (High-M-L).
To plug multiple gaps where published data was not available, STS researchers directly engaged with subject matter experts via its network of global contacts to develop original insight, intel, and substantiation on a variety of candidate programs. 


Once this data was assembled, a strategic overview was developed outlining methodology, segment definitions, outlook comparison vs. prior internal review. This includes company current market share, size and growth projections by region and program type, evaluation of the competitive landscape within each market, and recommendations on strategic growth initiatives including high opportunity pursuits.

European Electro-Optical Supplier-US Military Opportunity Assessment, Sales Strategies

Project Scope: A European company specializing in cryocooler solutions had unique capabilities in reliability, weight, vibration, and easier integration. It now supplied various system-level OEMs and wanted to expand its U.S. military, other government, and commercial aviation business.  

The company required a custom analysis of market potential and a sales roadmap for strategic new growth.

Execution: As an initial baseline, this custom assignment first listed all addressable current and upcoming procurements.


Direct interviews were conducted with key defense program, planning and other market contacts to present this company's unique advantages and probe: offshore sourcing issues, price-cost performance expectation, other possible relevant programs, key competitors, and suggestions for sales and marketing strategy. These conversations were conducted unbranded, not revealing this company as sponsor.


This analysis narrowed top opportunities (platforms and systems) to military programs related to: missile warning, surveillance, aircraft IR sensors, ground vehicle/soldier IR sensors, UAV IR sensors, and standoff chemical IR sensor applications.


Non-military business opportunities were identified including enhanced vision systems and IR threat warning systems for commercial air transport and business aircraft; and Homeland security applications for chemical detection, and remote chemical cloud detection systems.

Resultthis identified a series of top addressable segments, specific programs where this company would be able to deliver an advantage, and in combination with direct research among key experts created a strategic roadmap for future growth in very specific areas.


This enabled the company to greatly accelerate successful sales development and  revenue generation, and in the process design and implement a long-term position in relevant U.S. markets for its key technologies.  

Private Security Guards-US DOD and Defense Contractor Facilities-Contract Opportunity Assessment, Sales Strategies

Project Scope: A global security services company wanted to expand its Facility Support, Security Guard Patrol, and Fire Protection Services business to U.S. military bases and defense contractor facilities.


This opportunity was timely as facilities were interested in outsourcing facility security services as a way to stretch available budgets. Key deliverables included: total addressable market size based on annual spend, annual billed hours, need for security clearances (FOCI issues), set-a-sides for small business categories, annual spend by department/agency for large and small business, expiration dates of contracts, and average billing rate/wage rates.

Execution: This custom project involved extensive analysis of published government contract data including resident in-house research. It required sorting through thousands of current, past, upcoming and recompeting contracts.


To clarify contract requirements and possible restrictions, direct interviews were conducted with many key contracting organizations to gain relevant insights.


This analysis also addressed a significant constraint as many facility support contracts are commonly "bundled" with other procurements and more than one NAICS code applied as different services are contracted within each program.


Progress reviews were conducted at 25%, 50%, 75% levels, allowing for client input as the larger picture took shape and prior to final report.


The final presentation included an executive summary and independent recommendations supported by over 100 pages of detailed spreadsheets with sortable columns showing opportunities by each government agency, defense contractors, programs, addressable content, and projected timetable. All key measures of client interest were included. Addressable opportunities were scored as high, medium, and low.

Result: This enabled the company to make critical decisions on specific opportunity pursuits, staffing investments, and resource deployment. It also enabled the U.S. company operations team to demonstrate the attractiveness of this expansion opportunity to its European parent, and secure corporate investment leading to substantial long-term revenue growth.

Fighter Aircraft Communication System Upgrade Opportunity-Price to Win, Competitive Analysis, Capture Strategy Recommendation

Project Scope: A supplier of integrated communication systems for military aircraft was among three bidders pursuing an upgrade contract for a fighter-class aircraft to enable it capable for Homeland Security missions.


Although highly qualified they were not the incumbent, but anxious to secure a strategic position on this F-class aircraft which would lead to other fighter aircraft wins.


This custom assignment began 60 days prior to expected final RFP issuance with a goal to complete an independent competitive analysis and bottoms-up price to win analysis.      

Execution: This custom analysis split into two sections: Phase One (Pre RFP), and Phase Two (Post RFP).


Phase 1 was a baseline buildup of expected Production and Development requirements across major and minor labor and product CLINS, calculations of competitive bidder WRAP rates across various job categories tied to bidder places of performance and estimates of system (product buildup) costs for each bidder.


This recognized advantages each bidder might reasonably leverage on higher value items and negotiated prices from key suppliers.


This analysis relied on past military fighter program competitions, conversations with technology suppliers and relevant contacts during the project period, industry day reviews, and other solicitation documents. Progressive, interactive reviews with client capture team allowed for comprehensive discussion and refinement as the assignment unfolded toward final RFP issuance and company proposal submission.

Result: With this custom analysis and direction, the company gained incremental insight and information which improved its internal capture approach, allowing it to prepare a more thoughtful, persuasive, and competitive proposal.


The company went on to win this pivotal competition which also led to future strategic wins and positions on other F-class aircraft platforms.


In addition to incremental value received from this custom assessment, the company revealed it was comfortable its internal data would be kept confidential as this assignment was not compiled by a PTW (Price-To-Win) specialist firm performing primarily this type of project.

Military Training-Virtual Web Based-Market Assessment-Recommended Growth Strategy

Project Scope: A military contractor required a custom assessment of  future business potential in Web-based Virtual training solutions. The company already had a significant business in traditional simulation and training solutions for combat vehicles, aircraft, test ranges, mission rehearsal, logistics and other applications across multiple military domains. However, the trend toward virtual, web-based solutions 
The objective of this assignment was to develop an independent, custom assessment of this opportunity with specific recommendations on steps this company should take to optimize its future growth.    

ExecutionThis assignment initially calculated addressable market size and growth, major target customers, and specific line item opportunities.


At a next level, direct interviews were conducted (many in person) with key training commands such as PEO STRI, TRADOC, RDECOM, USSOCOM, and others to understand current and changing needs as well as gain important insights on overall market landscape. 


Key segments in the overall Live-Virtual-Constructive value chain were also analyzed, including: Platforms, Tool and Content Developers, Computer Hardware and Accessories, Third Party Developers, Mobile Device Manufacturers, Wireless Carriers-Voice and Data Services, Software Makers, Internet Companies, Systems Integrators) to determine what areas were most critical to solutions and offered highest potential margin.


This also involved highlighting potential acquisition candidates, as this company was interested in building an integrated solution.


Key competitors (dominant players in Live, Virtual, and Constructive) were then analyzed including their evolving business models.

Result:  Built on several levels, this assignment provided a detailed landscape analysis of current and likely future opportunities this company should pursue, identification of specific segments in the fast-changing value chain where it should stake out technology ownership, competitive strategies, and specific recommendations for the company's growth and diversification.


This was incremental to what the company had developed internally and helped it form critical decisions on areas of focus for near-term business planning and sales emphasis, key opportunity prospects to engage, new and emerging program pursuits, and optional longer-term business models.

Navy Ship-Propulsion System Upgrade-Price to Win, Competitive Analysis, Capture Strategy 

Project Scope: A supplier of aero-derivative gas turbine engines Navy fast patrol boats, fast attack craft, corvettes and hovercrafts was a long-term incumbent on a platform being upgraded to enable it mission-ready for changing naval operations.


The company was eager to maintain its position, but faced heavy competition from two suppliers seeking to move on this platform. Prime contractors on this procurement were major shipyards, all competing for the initial design and development (RDT&E) contract which would lead to the LRIP, and follow on production. This custom assignment was to prepare an independent competitive analysis and help the company develop a successful Capture Strategy and Price to Win for their proposal.     

Execution: This custom project involved an initial analysis of each competitor (predecessor systems, other platform applications, unique advantages claimed, relationships) and a profile of each shipyard (unique capabilities, past programs, team members on this upcoming competition).


All available Industry Day documentation was analyzed to understand Navy expectations and evaluation criteria.


An initial pricing model was developed covering expected competitive bid prices tied to a cost buildup considering Design, Software Development, Unique Tooling, Test Article Production, Qualification Testing, Integrated Logistic Support and Trials Support.


Original information was then assembled about competitive factors and expectations on the part of the Navy through direct research with relevant key contacts. This included insights from system competitors, shipyard primes, NAVSEA planning, procurement contracting personnel, and others.

ResultThis competitive assessment, capture strategy recommendation, and price-to-win calculation was incremental to the fact finding this company could assemble on its own and was instrumental in securing this company's success on this key competitive pursuit.

 Active Vibration Control (Manned, Unmanned Aircraft, Ground Vehicles, Naval Vessels) US-Global Growth Opportunity Analysis

Project Scope: A supplier of unique vibration and noise control solutions primarily for commercial aerospace platforms was seeking to broaden its product and service offerings to emerging US and foreign military programs where there was a requirement for “active” motion control.


Target platforms included fixed-wing and rotary aircraft, space vehicles, unmanned aircraft, ground vehicles, and surface ships.


Although a large, multi-national corporation, this company's experience with military and government initiatives was limited.  

Execution: This custom assessment involved developing detailed spreadsheets of potentially addressable program opportunities relevant to this company's interests.


To further validate, direct research was conducted with a cross section of military program and defense contractor contacts at DOD and major MODs involved with these opportunities to better understand incumbent suppliers, problems, requirements, changing needs, and marketing and sales tactics to be successful.


It also identified 15 prospective partners actively involved in these markets for possible teaming as part of its entry and expansion strategy.

Result: this company was now able to accelerate its strategic assessment and sales strategy planning in very specific directions. Within six months it brought in three major new contracts as a second source, and ultimately built a sizable new business in this high-margin military area.

 Active Vibration Control (Manned, Unmanned Aircraft, Ground Vehicles, Naval Vessels) US-Global Growth Opportunity Analysis

 Active Vibration Control (Manned, Unmanned Aircraft, Ground Vehicles, Naval Vessels) US-Global Growth Opportunity Analysis

US Naval Shipbuilder Future Solution Strategies-Custom Market Research Assessment

Project Scope: A leading naval shipbuilder (aircraft carriers, submarines, surface combatants, amphibious, auxiliaries) required an independent assessment of the impact of new and emerging technologies and trends on certain areas of future ship design and construction.


The naval shipbuilding landscape was rapidly evolving due to many technology advances including unmanned autonomous, remote condition monitoring (telematics), energy storage, digital technologies, and various commercial innovations with direct application to naval operations. Along with this, the US Navy’s mission was also changing and evolving based on both technological, budgetary, and global factors.


Accordingly, this company needed to make sure it had a very clear and current view of implications and future impacts on its business as it implemented future strategic planning.

Execution: This assessment was designed to be strictly incremental to what this company had or could easily assemble internally.


Although extensive published research and information was already in the public domain, this company had many unique niches and capabilities, and therefore general research and trend analysis was not useful.


This project was tailored directly to the unique interests of this shipbuilder, and also relied heavily on in-depth feedback from a wide cross-section of key players, experts, and stakeholders in multiple technology sectors, current naval system suppliers and integrators, US Navy program-research-and technical managers, and other shipbuilders.  


Key topics probed included: current solutions and unmet needs, major drivers for change, implications for future ship design, technology application from other industries, Navy likely adoption and fleet implementation timetable, key challenges, particular opportunities to target first, what will provide a real advantage vs. current suppliers, and other key factors.  


The final report included a detailed a summary, conclusions, and specific recommendations supported by extensive, direct input from over 50 top naval industry and technology experts on these multiple topics.  

ResultThis independent, custom market research assessment gave this shipbuilder comprehensive, current, completely fresh view of its future opportunity landscape in several key areas of interest.  This incremental evaluation enabled this company to objectively assess and compare its previous strategic assumptions across a landscape that was evolving rapidly, and better define specific actions it should take to ensure optimize future growth

Global Depot Repair US Ground Vehicle Platforms-Future Trend and Opportunity Assessment

Project Scope: A U.S. defense contractor with key positions in tactical vehicles, reset and sustainment support services suspected DOD in the future might want to perform depot-type vehicle repairs at overseas (OCONUS) sites rather than always returning military vehicles to US depots for repairs and overhauls. DOD budgets were stressed, intermittent vehicle availability a concern, and DOD had proven it could successfully execute some major repairs at overseas sites. NATO also had interest in coordinating overseas R&S initiatives for multiple coalition forces, several US defense contractors had contracts for overseas repair, and some OEMs were establishing overseas sites closer to MODs who procured their vehicles.

Execution: This custom assessment examined all influencing factors and tradeoffs DOD would likely consider from a policy and planning standpoint. It reviewed the potential shift in mix of theatre-level, intermediate-level, and depot level R&S; impact on different tactical platforms (vehicles and rotary), and assessed how this might change the CONUS vs. OCONUS philosophy.


It also included a custom model showing cost comparison to perform a major repair and overhaul of a common combat vehicle and a common rotary platform CONUS vs. OCONUS, and incorporated relevant commentary from DOD, NATO and other domain experts on this possible trend.

ResultThis concluded that increased globalization of DOD R&S could occur within the next decade, depending on the level of overseas’ engagements.


This OCONUS shift could be similar to commercial aerospace overhaul and maintenance of larger passenger airframes (heavy C and D checks) from US-based to overseas O&M operations (which now had on-site FAA inspectors).    


While this would certainly meet resistance from US depot and repair stations and Congress concern over US job losses, it could be outweighed by DOD's interest for cost saving and improved readiness. 

Global Naval, Commercial Maritime Market Opportunity Analysis

Project Scope: A leading power systems provider for various military naval ships (aircraft carriers, submarines, surface combatants, amphibious, auxiliaries) and commercial ships was seeking to seeking to identify addressable opportunities for its power system solutions so as to accelerate business growth in the global maritime market.


The global naval market was expanding in areas such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, and other areas and this company required an updated global opportunity spreadsheet of the top 10 recommended pursuits including details on shipyards, naval architecture firms and other key influencers. This also addressed the global commercial maritime market which was expected to grow in the future, driven by increased trade and other factors.

Execution: This assessment was designed to be strictly incremental to what this company had or could easily assemble internally. Although there was already extensive published research and information on the global naval market, this company was particularly interested in specific naval and commercial ship platforms where there was an increasing requirement for high power and high speed, and where space and weight constraints were becoming a challenge. This fit very well with its unique capability and form factor offerings.


This research involved published data analysis but also significant emphasis on engagement with key decision-makers at foreign navies, commercial marine fleets, and multiple shipyards. Key topics included: advantages, disadvantages of its solutions? Ship types with greatest interest? Differentiated features that would give a significant advantage to preference its solutions? Decision-making and sales channel strategies(navies, shipyards, naval architects, effective BD strategies)? Specific opportunities with interest? Price levels and competitive pricing? 

ResultThis independent, custom market research assessment gave this provider of power systems an independent, comprehensive, and current sales road map and recommended market entry and channel strategies for a highly focused business development effort globally.  It enabled this company to better focus its resources in the highest potential areas across a global landscape that was evolving rapidly, as well as better define specific solution strategies and other actions it should take to ensure optimize future growth. 

Accelerating Client Growth-Delivering Consistent Value

"On behalf of Rockwell Collins Government Systems, thank you and your staff for work you recently completed on the European Defense Communications Market. You continuously performed in a professional manner while conducting the primary and secondary research, data and analysis and development of strategic implications.

We understand the importance of factual market data that enables sound business decisions. Your efforts allowed us to develop a five-year plan to address this. I'm especially appreciative of your willingness to adjust scope as required after senior management reviews. Your flexibility and ability to interface with the in country decision-makers made this project a success. Again, thank you for all your efforts in bringing this complex project to fruition." Strategic Development Manager, Rockwell Collins

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